Jun shihan robin mccolley

Jun Shihan Robin McColley moved to the Ithaca area in 1991 and began her training in Seido Karate in May, 1993. She achieved the rank of Shodan (1st degree black belt) in 1996, and began teaching basics, kumite, and kickboxing classes for both adults and children. Jun Shihan Robin has been a direct student of Kaicho Nakamura since 2003. She was promoted to Rokudan (6th degree black belt) in 2018.

Jun Shihan Robin has twice won the Sogo (overall) championship at the annual Seido Benefit Tournament. In 1996, she qualified as a member of the USA kumite team where she finished 4th among a large group of international competitors. She worked with other high ranking black belt women to offer workshops during Seido's annual Women’s Seminar, and helped to organize Seido’s 30th Anniversary (Saiten) in 2006 and 40th Anniversary (Goen) in 2016.

Jun Shihan Robin has a bachelor’s degree in Physical Education and a Certificate of Advanced Study in Education Administration from SUNY Brockport, and a master’s degree in Exercise Physiology from Springfield College. She holds New York State teaching certifications in Physical Education and Health, and has been certified in CPR, First Aid and Lifeguarding since 1995. She is also a member of the American Women’s Self-Defense Association.