Jun Shihan Robin McColley moved to the Ithaca area in 1991 and began her training in Seido Karate in May, 1993. She achieved the rank of Shodan (1st degree black belt) in 1996, and began teaching basics, kumite, and kickboxing classes for both adults and children. Jun Shihan Robin has been a direct student of Kaicho Nakamura since 2003. She was promoted to Rokudan (6th degree black belt) in 2018.
Jun Shihan Gail Lajoie began training in Seido Karate in 1993, achieving the rank of Shodan in 1996. In that same year, she began teaching classes for adults and children. She became a direct student of Kaicho Nakamura in 2003, and received her 6th degree black belt in 2018. She travels regularly to New York City to continue her own training with Kaicho Nakamura and Nidaime Akira Nakamura.
Sensei Jennifer Kraft-Maza began training in Seido Karate in 2007 after only 3 months of observing her oldest son participate in the program. Her youngest son joined them in 2009, and they have been training together ever since!
Sensei Debbie Bosanko is a certified group exercise instructor who has taught exercise classes since 1993. In addition, she has been certified by the Aerobics and Fitness Association of America (AFAA) since 1994, a certified personal trainer since 1998, and a certified kickboxing instructor since 2007. She enjoys helping others get in shape and stay in shape. In addition to personal training, Sensei Debbie teaches several classes that help people 55 and older stay fit, as well as a class designed specifically for people who have Parkinson’s disease.
Senpai Pete Bosanko moved to the Ithaca area in 1984. He has been a student of Seido Karate since 2010, when he decided to stop watching his family train and joined them! He has previously studied Aikido, and is particularly fond of the rolls, falls, and grappling techniques that we practice at the dojo.
Allison Peet has been training at CLSK since the fall of 2011. She earned her Shodan (1st Degree Black Belt) in 2017, and her Sandan (3rd Degree) in 2023. She has been an instructor of Junior and Youth students since 2016. Allison most appreciates the spirit of the Seido family, and enjoys visiting and training at Seido dojos around the country.
© 2024 All rights reserved Cayuga Lake Seido Karate,Lansing, NY | Photo Credit Alex Solla Photography | Powered by Zen Planner