Sensei jennifer kraft-maza

Sensei Jennifer Kraft-Maza began training in Seido Karate in 2007 after only 3 months of observing her oldest son participate in the program. Her youngest son joined them in 2009, and they have been training together ever since!

In 2022, Sensei Jen achieved the rank of Yondan (4th degree black belt), making her the first student of Cayuga Lake Seido Karate to progress from the rank of white belt to the rank of Yondan. In 2011, she placed second in the tameshiwari (breaking) competition at the 35th Annual Seido Benefit Tournament. Sensei Jen has been teaching karate since 2010. She is also a certified instructor of Self-Defense, assists with supervising kyu belt promotions and is a tireless volunteer when organizing dojo events.

Sensei Jennifer is a graduate of Juniata College, where she received a Bachelor of Science degree in biology/zoology. She then attended Ross University School of Veterinary Medicine and graduated with a Doctor of Veterinary Medicine in 1997. Before moving to the Ithaca area, she worked for three years in private practice in Rochester, NY. She currently resides in Freeville, NY, with her husband and two sons. Sensei Jen owns a small animal veterinary house call practice which services parts of Tompkins and Cortland counties.